Affirmation for Success:

Good Things Now Come to Pass, the Unexpected Now Happens!

ImageBarta IV [Affirmation by KNOWOL – CC BY 2.0]

4 vintage images of Savin Rock Amusement Park in West Haven

Savin Rock was an amusement park in West Haven, Connecticut that operated from the 1870’s – 1966.

Historic map of the borough of Southington, CT from 1893

This beautiful map of Southington, Connecticut was created using government surveys in 1893.

No life is worth leading if it is always an easy life

Nothing in this world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…

Mark Twain and the Courageous Flea, a short story

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear… not absence of fear. Except a creature…

Helen Keller talks about the symbolism and purpose behind the human hand

Look where we will, we find the hand in time and history, working, building, inventing…

Beautifully restored map of New Canaan, Connecticut from 1878

This old map shows New Canaan, Connecticut in the late 19th century.

9 historic images reveal the colorful history of Ansonia, CT

Ansonia is a city in New Haven County, Connecticut that was first settled by…